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Saturday, 18 March


Video: Imminent 5G Induced Genocide: Vaccinated Vulnerable To 5G Kill Grids Deadly Tech! Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Global Research

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Paying Tribute to Truth Global Research

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US Blackmails Switzerland to Boost Military Support to Ukraine Global Research

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French President Macron Approves the Pension Reform by Decree Global Research

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Why the Bank Crisis Is Not Over Global Research

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Friday, 17 March


On This Day in 461, Irelands Adopted Son Saint Patrick Dies VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Spreader of the Christian Faith, Saint Patrick travels to Ireland and Becomes a Legend


Every St. Patricks Day, Everywhere, All at Once: A Disaster for Ireland Global Research

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Pakistan: The Repercussions of Imprisoning Imran Khan could be Disastrous VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

VT's man in Pakistan, Hanan Habibzai, comments on the political situation brewing in Pakistan


Texas being Texas Freethought Blogs

Texas, not satisfied with wanting to ban critical race theory, ending colleges diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, and eliminating tenure, has set its sights on banning people from countries conservatives dont like with HB 4736.

PROHIBITED ADMISSIONS. Notwithstanding any other law, an institution of higher education, as defined by Section 61.003, may not admit an applicant for admission to the institution as a student if the applicant is:
(1) a citizen of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia;
(2) not authorized under federal statute to be present
in the United States.

Honestly, Ive never had a North Korean student the North Korean government isnt big on exposing their citizens to strange foreign ideas, much like the Texan government. Ive had lots of Chinese students, and a few Russian and Iranian students. Theyre fine. Theyre often more motivated than American students, and if they go back to their home country after a few years with a little sympathy for the US, thats a net gain for us. Or if they decide they want to stay in the US, thats also a net gain. We cant lose by freely sharing education with the world (its also a good idea for American students to study abroad). We all win.

Unless, of course, your goal is to make sure your citizenry doesnt understand and hates foreigners from certain countries that have been currently designated as an enemy.


Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato Activist Post

By The Corbett Report Welcome to #NewWorldNextWeek the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments...

Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato


The raccoon dogs, and the virus, didnt intend to kill us Freethought Blogs

Some people have been pushing the idea that COVID-19 was artificially created in a Chinese lab. Theres no real evidence for that the virus itself doesnt contain any labels of its origin, that a research lab in China was studying the virus isnt evidence of manipulation (a research lab researching is what research labs do), and the people promoting the lab leak theory all seem to have a political agenda to blame someone. I sure havent been convinced. Now theres a new revelation: theyve found genetic evidence from samples collected at the Huanan wet market that infected wild animals were there.

Way back in 2019, researchers were swabbing locations in the market and filing away samples for later analysis. Guess what? Its later. Swabs sampled from a stall that was selling raccoon dogs have been sequenced, and theyve found raccoon dog DNA, which is no surprise. But they also found lots of SARS-CoV-2 mingled with it, which tells us that these wild animals were already infected with COVID.

A new analysis of genetic sequences collected from the market shows that raccoon dogs being illegally sold at the venue could have been carrying and possibly shedding the virus at the end of 2019. Its some of the strongest support yet, experts told me, that the pandemic began when SARS-CoV-2 hopped from animals into humans, rather than in an accident among scientists experimenting with viruses.

This really strengthens the case for a natural origin, says Seema Lakdawala, a virologist at Emory who wasnt involved in the research. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist involved in the research, told me, This is a really strong indication that animals at the market were infected. Theres really no other explanation that makes any sense.

Ive never been that interested in the question of its origin. I already know that we live on a planet of viruses, with an unimaginably huge population of diverse viruses squirting their DNA and RNA into every available creature, genetic material that is constantly mutating at a rapid rate, and what we ought to be amazed at is that we have molecular mechanisms of resistance, an immune system, that can cope with it at all. It was inevitable that something would evolve to get past our defenses, and that wed have to adapt or die. Thats what weve been doing for the entirety of the existence of life on Earth.

That life changes and that there are naturally inimical forces that exist...


Woke Effectively Describes The Lefts Insanity, And Thats Why They Hate When You Say It The Federalist

SNL, Levi's WokesWoke-ism is intentionally ambiguous. So when you describe it, that offends those who wish for its intentions to remain murky.


Dissecting the Silicon Valley Bank Debacle WhoWhatWhy

It has been a momentous week for banks and markets. What some have dubbed an extinction-level event was, at its core, the failure of a couple of banks.


To help us put all of this into proper perspective, we are joined on this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast by two distinguished economists, J. Bradford DeLong and Dean Baker.


DeLong served as deputy undersecretary of the treasury in the Clinton administration and is currently a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the author of the substack Grasping Reality and the recently published book Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century.


Baker co-founded the Center for Economic and Policy Research. His areas of research include housing and macroeconomics, intellectual property, Social Security, Medicare, and European labor markets. He has been credited as one of the first economists to have identified the 200708 United States housing bubble, and, in 2006, Baker predicted that plunging housing investment will likely push the economy into recession.


Together, they discuss the venture-capitalist libertarian overreaction to the event, as well as the way it has been massively misrepresented by all of the press, including the mainstream press.


They detail the differences between this event and the 200809 banking crisis, the power of contagion and rumor in the digital and social media age, and what actually transpired during the 36 hours the bank was shut down by the FDIC.


We discuss what this means for both small and regional banks, and for the too big to fail banks, which are now suddenly in favor.


While the whole story could be forgotten in a matter of weeks, the implications and downstream effects will be with us for quite some time.



Regulatory Failure 101: What the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank Reveals Articles and Investigations - ProPublica

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

This story is exempt from our Creative Commons license until July 15, 2023.

The collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank this past weekend were the end point in an all-too-familiar cycle: first the boom, then the breathtakingly speedy bust and then the bailout. We are now at the postmortem moment when everyone wonders where the regulators were.

Silicon Valley Bank has already become notorious for how obvious its red flags were. Perhaps the most telling was the rapid growth of its borrowing from the Federal Home Loan Banks system. Banking experts know this Depression-era group of government-sponsored lenders as the second-to-last resort for banks. (The Fed is, as always, the lender of last resort.) At the end of last year, Silicon Valley Bank had $15 billion of FHLB loans, up from zero a year earlier.

Thats the type of flag that says you need to look closely, Kathryn Judge, a Columbia law professor who specializes in financial regulation, told me. But theres no sign the loans triggered any regulatory attention.

Primary responsibility for the debacle lies, of course, with SVBs management. But regulators are supposed to grasp that they exist because bankers are always tempted to take risks. Bankers want to grow too fast, borrow cheaply, lend freely and lock their investments up unwisely for long periods in hope of gaining higher returns.

Some commentators are now reiterating calls for banking rules to be tightened, which is probably a wise move. But the collapse of the two banks proves once more that the culture of the regulators is as important as any rules, laws or tools at their disposal.

At least one journalist...


Letting Noncitizens Vote In U.S. Elections Is Foreign Interference The Federalist

Voting sign with arrow and American flagWe need to stop allowing people who can leave our country at any moment to have a say in its future.


Making the Most of Your Transportation OptionsAnd Getting Your Neighbors Onboard Strong Towns Media


What happens when your land use decisions result in so much traffic that you face calls to freeze all new development investment? This is a common issue in our current development pattern, and the default reaction is to double down on the problem by building bigger intersections and adding more lanes. But what happens when there is no additional land to acquire to widen streets, or not enough money to enlarge intersections? 

In 2006, I had the opportunity to work on a sector plan for White Flint in Montgomery County, Maryland. At the time, the development community wanted to change the land use pattern and redevelop White Flint with a more traditional development pattern, and a greater mix of uses. Citizens mobilized in opposition and pressured local officials to block these plans because of the potential for exacerbating the traffic woes. 



This Is America #183: Report from Atlanta During Week of Action Against Cop City It's Going Down

Welcome, to This is America, March 16th, 2023.

In this episode, we sit down with Clark, a member of the Atlanta Community Press Collective, who joins us to discuss the past week of action in Atlanta as the fight against Cop City continues, following the arrest of concert goers on trumped up domestic terrorism charges.

During our discussion, we talk about new revelations surrounding the police murder of forest defender Tortuguita on January 18th, as a new independent autopsy has revealed:

The autopsy conducted of Tortuguita at the request of their family by Dr. Kris Sperry has found that when Tortuguita was shot and killed, their hands were raised in the air. According to the familys lawyers, The autopsy further reveals that Manuel was most probably in a seated position, cross-legged when killed.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation says they have conducted their own autopsy, however they have yet to reveal the report.

We also discuss the actions in Atlanta that took place last week, from mass marches and protests, to rallies at city council, a Food Autonomy Festival, and also attempts by the police to harass and silence activists. As wrote in Truthout:

The March 5 mass arrest touched off an unparalleled wave of police repression throughout the following week in downtown Atlanta and Southeast DeKalb County, where the park and proposed Cop City site are located. Police deliberately targeted First Amendment-protected activity by activists, legal observers and journalists including me.

On March 10, I followed and documented a group of about...


Corporate Media Disguise Spike In Border Arrests As Drop To Prevent Accountability For Biden The Federalist

border agent confronts illegal border crossersCorporate media dishonestly touts sharp drop in border crossings in February to save Biden from border crisis criticism.


Robert Kennedy Jr: The Only Man for the Job VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Robert Kennedy Jr. is the last chance America has to avoid balkanization


Wearing -o- the Green Virtual Mirage

  A tune as we pause for the cause Come out ye Black and Tans. Happy St. Patricks Day I would normally celebrate the day at Muldoons Irish Pub, but there is a long list of things to do like pick up the Honda Passport from the repair facility after the trash truck crunched it. []

The post Wearing -o- the Green appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


In Health Care, Freedom Is The Biggest Shortage The Federalist

doctors working on a patient in a health-care settingAmericans cannot make their own medical decisions or decide how to spend their health-care dollars bureaucrats do that.


How Corporate Medias Top Dogs Box Out Real Reporters From Asking The White House Tough Questions The Federalist

Karine Jean-Pierre hosts press conference in the White House Briefing roomIf youve ever watched a press briefing and felt like everyone was asking the same questions, its because the corporate media drones are usually the only ones getting any.


Video Games Are Getting Re-Scripted By Leftist Translators The Federalist

video game Fire EmblemThe world of gaming is facing censorship in the name of modern sensibilities.


In Bemoaning What They Wont Teach Anymore, Educators Reveal 6 Ways They Indoctrinate Students The Federalist

Young children wearing face masksInstead of teaching their students how to think, educators want to indoctrinate their students and tell them what to think.


The Real Reason To Celebrate St. Patrick Has Nothing To Do With Beer Or Parades The Federalist

two parade attendees with face paint and green and white shamrock hatsThe parades and the Guinness are fun, but they overshadow what should be a celebration of a man who could see God in the midst of trials.


If Biden Gets His Way, Using Correct Pronouns Could Be A Human Rights Violation The Federalist

White House with rainbow lights projected onto itBiden's America is going the way of Canada, and it's horrible news for anyone who cares about free speech.


DOD Pays Media-Rating Scammers To Create Propaganda And Censorship Tech For U.S. Government The Federalist

U.S. Army computerOur tax dollars are funding the development of media-monitoring products that can be deployed to censor ordinary Americans via Big Tech.


Why Three US Banks Collapsed in One Week: Economist Michael Hudson Explains Global Research

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On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity Global Research

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The weight of Russian manpower is crushing Ukrainians VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

"When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers...we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations."


Astronomers Spot The Most Distant Stars In The Milky Way Galaxy True Activist

Halo Wiki

Astronomers have been observing the skies for years and with the improvements of the telescope and the technology they use, they were able to identify a total of 208 different stars just under 1 million light years away from the center of the Milky Way.

They had finally built a stellar road sign for the end of our very own galaxy. The photos from James Webb Space Telescope were revealed and these involved the universe at large. They were able to truly see the world out there.

As these astronomers studied our own galaxy, this provides them with the information they need to learn the structure of other galaxies in the universe as well. They also are able to see features of the cosmic neighborhood along the way.

They found what they call the RR Lyrae stars. The 208 most distant stars were actually discovered in the residual data of a ground-based telescope that surveyed a cluster of galaxies far from the Milky Way.

As for our very own Milky Way, it consists of a bulge. This bulge is the galactic center and around it is the thin spiral-arm disk where our own solar system is. After this are the...


Mexican Lawmakers Grant Interior Ministry Control Over Biometric Data, Spark Controversy Activist Post

By Larisa Redins The Chamber of Deputies approved the General Law for the Operation of Civil Registries, granting the Ministry of the Interior control over...

Mexican Lawmakers Grant Interior Ministry Control Over Biometric Data, Spark Controversy


How Much Do You Know about Health Risks from Electrically Powered Frequency Medicine Devices? Activist Post

By B.N. Frank Exposure to some sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) aka Electrosmog is biologically harmful.  Electrosmog includes wireless radiation and 5G emitted...

How Much Do You Know about Health Risks from Electrically Powered Frequency Medicine Devices?


Somebodies and Nobodies: The Demise of Rankism and the Rise of Mutual Dignity - Transcending Paradigms - Pt. 12 OpEd News

Challenging as it may be, without a positive vision of a promising future, we are likely to remain lost amidst uncontrolled power dynamics and create a ruinous future for ourselves.


Bodycam footage shows drunk police captain trying to wiggle out of DUI arresting officer tells him: I dont show favoritism DeadState

The Oklahoma City Police Department has released arrest footage of its own Capt. James French, who is a 32-year veteran the department, being given a field sobriety test while asking the arresting officer to cut him a break to which the officer declines. French can be heard in the video identifying himself as a []


I Need a New Job OpEd News

Not happy with your Job. Not sure how to find a new one. This article will help you jump start the process by learning more about your inner-self and what's most important to you in securing a new position.


Colonel McGregor: Russia is crushing the Kiev regime VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Colonel Douglas McGregor doesnt need a lot of introduction to people aware of the current geopolitical situation, as his actions, integrity and wisdom speak for themselves.


N.J. Mom Sues Police, Military Officials For Labeling Her Post About Schools Polysexual Poster A Security Threat The Federalist

New Jersey National GuardAngela Reading, mother of two, raised objections to sexually explicit content in her children's elementary school.


Tennessee GOP lawmaker probably stole over $23K others donated for his dead sons memorial DeadState

Andy Ogles (R-TN) seems to have pocketed for himself $25,000 from a crowdfund for his stillborn sons memorial, News Channel 5 reported. The story comes on the heels of reports that Ogles exaggerated details on his resume. The report says that he raked in tens of thousands of dollars from a GoFundMe meant to fund []


PolitiFact Tries To Fact-Check A Federalist Article On Democrats Dark Money Election Takeover And Fails Miserably The Federalist

screenshot of Facebook's 'fact-check' of The Federalist's articlePolitifact issued a phony 'fact-check' of a Federalist article exploring leftist nonprofits' ploy to use private money to change local election operations to benefit Democrats.


Alabama Christian bible teacher is arrested and charged for having sexual relationship with a minor DeadState

A Christian school teacher in Mobile, Alabama, has been arrested and charged for having sexual relations with a minor student, NBC15 reported. Jonathan Sauers, who taught and coached soccer at Faith Academy, was charged for being a school employee engaging in a sex act with a student under the age of 19 years and engaging []


5 Things We Learned About Prison Book Ban Policies The Marshall Project

We added policies to our searchable database of banned books. Heres what weve found (so far).


Art Campaign for the Freedom of Manuel Gmez Vzquez It's Going Down

Call for artwork in solidarity with Indigenous Zapatista political prisoner Manuel Gmez Vzquez

To all the compaerxs who are artists, painters, graphic designers, and others who express their hearts through the visual arts:

We want to extend this invitation to an art campaign demanding freedom for our compaero Manuel Gmez Vzquez. Manuel is a member of the Zapatista Support Bases (BAZ), and has been arbitrarily detained for two years and three months.

Manuels case is a clear example of how the current government of supposed transformation continues utilizing the State and its machinery of death to beat down those who struggle for life. In this case, the State uses prison as a tool to repress and generate exhaustion. However, we know that this will never stop us. We will struggle until our compaero Manuel is free. We will do everything in our imaginations to demand his freedom.

From our collective heart, we ask you all to show your solidarity with this cause, and from your creativity and talent, make art demanding the freedom of our compaero Manuel. For practical reasons, we ask that the artwork be scanned digitally so we can reproduce and share them in the streets, plazas, social centers, schools, social media, and other spaces. We will be accepting submissions from March 14 to March 28 at the email address:

We also ask the compaerxs of the national and international sixth to reproduce and share the artwork being submitted.

An embrace from our collective heart from the Jobel Valley.

Free Manuel Gmez Vzquez!

Down with the prison walls!

Prisons will never stop us!


Should the Demographics of Our Government Mirror Those of Our People? Guardian Liberty Voice

America is one of the youngest nations in the world. Not only was it created just under 247 years ago, the average age of all 333 million people is 38.2 years of age. The average age of all 537 members of congress is 58. There is a disparity between the House and Senate. The 437 []

The post Should the Demographics of Our Government Mirror Those of Our People? appeared first on Guardian Liberty Voice.


Here Are All The Problems With Californias Expert Witness Testimony In Gun Ban Case The Federalist

Woman shoots an AR-15If the judge in Rupp v. Bonta follows the Supreme Court's Bruen decision, she will overturn Californias ban.


Serious Climate Misinformation In Seattle Time Headline Article Cliff Mass Weather Blog

Whether you are a climate activist, a governmental official, or a citizen hoping to be well-informed on climate issues, getting accurate and reliable climate information is important.

Unfortunately, the Seattle Times continues to provide unfactual information, with screaming headlines and stories that can easily be shown to be incorrect.

This disappointing behavior by Seattle's only newspaper was obvious on Tuesday (see below).

A blaring, big-type headline heralded that "DATA CONFIRMS THAT WARMING IS WORSENING FLOODS, DROUGHT".

And in the subtitle, they double down:  "WHAT HAD BEEN AN EXPECTED CONNECTION IS BACKED UP BY A NEW STUDY"

As I will demonstrate below, these claims are unfounded.  The study does not confirm anything.   And the "expected connection" subheadline is very revealing of the editorial approach of the Seattle Times.

The article

The article, like so many stories in our local newspaper, was a reprint of a Washington Post article (by Kasha Patel):  A WARMER WORLD CAUSES EXTREME DROUGHT AND RAIN.  INDISPUTABLE NEW RESEARCH PROVES IT.

When a reporter describes research as "indisputable" you know they have little understanding of the scientific process.  Science is ALL about disputing and questioning each other's facts and interpretations.   



Ron DeSantis: On the Ukraine Conflict OpEd News

Ron DeSantis is running for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. That is perfectly clear. What is also clear is that he is running first and foremost on race and racism (see the discussion of "WOKE" in the column). To try to "be like Trump" without getting too close, and also to get closer to the "MAGA base," which doesn't like current U.S. Ukraine policy, he has lined up with Tucker C. to become a critic of it.


Judge Pauses Order to Return Siblings to Father They Say Abused Them Articles and Investigations - ProPublica

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

After two months barricaded in a bedroom to defy a court order directing them to be returned to the custody of their father, who they say abused them, Utah siblings Ty and Brynlee Larson emerged after a judge delayed enforcing the custody change while a new criminal probe into the father is resolved.

New information has come forward today regarding serious allegations of abuse, Judge Derek Pullan said in a Monday hearing, citing the criminal probe first reported by ProPublica.

The Salt Lake County District Attorneys office told the news organization last month that it is investigating Brent Larson, the childrens father. The probe is looking into allegations of felony child abuse, according to a spokesperson for the Herriman Police Department.

The Utah County Attorneys office is also investigating Larson, for allegations of misdemeanor child abuse, officials said in court Monday.

It appears that these allegations of sexual abuse and other kinds of abuse against the children at the hands of Brent have been put forward after this courts ruling regarding temporary custody being awarded to Brent, Pullan said.

Larson, via his attorney Ron Wilkinson, has denied the new allegations. There have been similar false claims repeatedly, for years, Wilkinson wrote to ProPublica.

The judge had sided with Larson and a court-appointed therapist that the childrens mother, Jessica Zahrt, had manipulated the children to falsely believe he had abused them. The argument is based on the disputed psychological theory called parental alienation, in which one parent is accused of manipulating a child to turn against the other parent. It has been rejected by mainstream scientific bodies as not a legitimate mental health disorder.



US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluorides Impact on Childhood IQ The Last American Vagabond

The U.S. government has been forced to release a controversial draft review that confirms previous studies which found exposure to fluoride at high levels can reduce IQ in children. The U.S. National Toxicology Program has released a long-delayed controversial review of the science behind claims that fluoride reduces IQ in children. The NTP review from Read More...

The post US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluorides Impact on Childhood IQ appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Can we stop going forward? Freethought Blogs

In reading and listening to news items, I find many people using the phrase going forward. It has become so overused that I find it grating to hear. It is often redundant but seems to be a more a rhetorical device, a filler, to end a sentence. For example, an analyst discussing financial news might say It is not clear what the Fed will do going forward when It is not clear what the Fed will do conveys the same sentiment. After all, will do implies the future and besides, the Fed cannot go backwards anyway.

Other phrases that have become cliches are perfect storm and think outside the box. Mercifully the latter seems to seems to be going out of vogue, probably because everyone is sick of hearing it so much and it is the kind of corporate jargon that managers like to inflict on their employees.

These are my personal pet peeves. My dislike of them is largely because of their overuse, not necessarily because there is something wrong with them. This article lists other junk words and phrases that the author thinks people should try to avoid for various reasons.


Fun with a natural theist Freethought Blogs

How about some low-lying fruit for a light afternoon snack? Heres a cocky believer to nibble on.

Atheism is the greatest moral error because it breaks the greatest command demanded from humanity: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
Mark 12:30

Oh. OK. Atheism is bad because a god-priest says it is. This is not the gotcha he thinks it is.

These guys will never settle for nebulous, vague assertions about an invisible being. Theyve also got to go after science with a vicious punch of ignorance.

Natural selection is a euphemism for no real force. Environment, social pressure, survival, etc. These do not guide consciously the process of genetic traits or modifications. I mean, the environment is non-conscious, non-rational and Ignores what is happening.

Exceptby accident, hes sort of right. The environment is non-conscious, non-rational and ignores what is happening. I suspect he thinks that is an argument against evolution though, because he assumes evolution has to be conscious and rational.

Also, a lightning bolt is non-conscious, non-rational and ignores what is happening, but try to deny that its a force if it hits you.


To Hell with Ukraine Fred on Everything

Great. Just ever-lovinpea-pickin great. In LA some sixty thousand peoplewho really knows?sleep on the sidewalks, in tents, cardboard boxes, sleeping bags, or not much of anything. Others live in their cars. The same in San Fran, Seattle, St. Louis. There being no bathrooms,they defecate as the urge hits, and where. What choice do they have? Some are junkies, others crazy, many just with no jobs or jobs that dont pay enough for a room.
Meanwhile Biden sends billions to Ukraine, lots of billions, our billions, while America crubles within. A corrupt, senescent, second-rate lawyer mysteriously empowered to bankrupt his own country to benefit a corrupt, dirtball country of no importance to America. How is this possible? Why do Americans tolerate it?
Because they have no choice. Americans have no influencce over their governmen except in things that do not matter to that governmentt.
Recently my stepdaughter Natalia, Mexican, went to Austin to visit friends. She returned and pronounced America a truly weird country. All the houses were the same, so how could you find your way home at night? And there were lots of people, she said, living under bridges and on the sidewalks. This she thought strange. She had never seen such a thing in Mexico. In twenty years, neither have I.
Meanwhile Beden sends fortunes to Ukraine. How is this? Couldnt we have an American President? Just once? Someone who cares about people in his own country? No prospectof this is in sight
In America there are people, lots of them, who dont have enought to eat, or barely do. Appalachia, the Rust Belt, the rural Deep South. I wonder whether Biden has enough to eat. I wonder whether he cares that many of his citizens do not. No, come to think of it, I dont wonder. But he cares, cares deeply, about Ukraine.
America crumbles, but Biden is going to rebuild Ukraine. Our trains look like something out of Turner Classic Movies. The passenger versions, across the continent, are nice, slow but appealing as period pieces. Chatanooga Choochoo, all that. They are also primitive and badly maintained. We have had four freight derailments in a month or so.
No, make that five. This morning we read of another, in Arizona. This is Third World, pushing Fourth. But Biden is going to do what it takes, for as long as it takes. For Ukraine.
I sometines wonder whether Biden knows his own country, or anybodys country. There is no evidence that he does. He wasnt in the military, didnt spend time thitchhiking through West Virginia, doesnt know the blast of bigrig wind standing beside the highways of the Far West. He has never worked for a living, probably doesnt know anyone who has. A political hack and second-rate lawyer , finishing seventy-sixth in a class of eighty-five in a mediocre law school after bing caught cheating. But he will send as much of our m...


Dancing Revolution: How 90s Protests Used Rave Culture to Reclaim the Streets UNICORN RIOT

Thousands gathered on May 16, 1998 in Birminghams famous Bullring district, located in the city center. They were instructed to meet by the New Street Station subway stop and make their way towards the Bullrings roundabout. The mood soon became nothing short of intoxicating as a roaring sound system hidden inside an ordinary car blasted techno to the masses. Fire eaters, drag queens, and clowns were normal amongst a crowd of lamppost climbers and stilt-tripod walkers filling up the streets, creating a gridlock of traffic that purged vehicles from the area and prevented drivers from coming in. 

A Reclaim the Streets occupation on May 14, 1995 in Camden High Street, London, UK. Photo Nick Cobbing

This wasnt an ordinary Saturday This just happened to be the second day of the G8 Summit, a three-day event UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had planned to host in the city months prior. In another part of town earlier that day, a human chain had also linked en masse to protest for debt relief. The police in Birmingham were likely preoccupied with the debt relief protesters and protecting the world leaders because by 4:30 PM, an upwards of 8,000 people had taken over the Bullring roundabout and adjacent side roads, making it nearly impossible for the few officers standing by to do anything.


A Cracker in the Soup Virtual Mirage

    Putins Gambit   FBI Misdeeds (American Greatness) Instead, Kelly, outside the eyes and ears of the jury, held a hearing with both sides on March 9 to determine how to proceed after the defense team uncovered messages indicating FBI agents doctored internal reports, destroyed evidence, and tipped off prosecutors about defense strategy on []

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James Webb Space Telescope Captures Rare Image of Dying Star WhoWhatWhy

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to


James Webb Space Telescope Captures Rare Image of Dying Star (Maria)

The author writes, The James Webb space telescope has captured the rare and fleeting phase of a star on the cusp of death. The observation was among the first made by the telescope following its launch in late 2021, but the picture was not released until this week. Webbs infrared eyes observed all the gas and dust flung into space by a huge, hot star 15,000 light years away. A light year is about 5.8 trillion miles. Shimmering in purple like a cherry blossom, the cast-off material once comprised the stars outer layer. The Hubble space telescope snapped a shot of the same transitioning star a few decades ago, but it appeared more like a fireball without the delicate details. Such a transformation occurs only with some stars and normally is the last step before they explode, going supernova, according to scientists. 


The Supreme Court Just Keeps Deciding It Should Be Even More Powerful (DonkeyHotey)

From The Atlantic: By its own maneuvering, the modern Supreme Court has made itself the most powerful branch of government. Superior to Congress. Superior to the president. Superior to the states. Superior to precedent, procedure, and norms. In effect, superior to the people. Most talked about in this regard, of course, is the Courts ending of long-established reproductive rights in Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization. But the assertion of extreme power extends well beyond the issue of abortion.


DeSantis Has Promised to Make Every State Like Florida, but Iowans Say Hes a Little Late (Reader Jim)

From ...


Internal Memo Shows Biden Admin Wanted To Ban Gas Stoves Before Public Backlash The Federalist

Gas stoveThe Biden administration claimed the need to ban gas stoves 'reached a boiling point' before the conversation really got heated.


The Aftermath of Ola Binis Unanimous Acquittal by Ecuadorian Court Activist Post

By Veridiana Alimonti On January 31, the Swedish free-software developer and computer-security expert Ola Bini was declared innocent in a unanimous verdict by a three-judge...

The Aftermath of Ola Binis Unanimous Acquittal by Ecuadorian Court


How Government Lost 15 Million Acres of Public Land in the United States Activist Post

By Saul Zimet Leave it to the United States Government to lose track of almost three states worth of public land. Only an institution with...

How Government Lost 15 Million Acres of Public Land in the United States


The Rise of Life-Without-Parole Sentences The Marshall Project

We explore sentences that imprison people for life without parole, and comedian Ali Siddiq unpacks his behind-bars beginning in comedy.


Gun Control Is Joe Bidens Safe Space The Federalist

Biden visits Monterey Park, CaliforniaWith more economic problems looming, the president returns to an old favorite.


Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Singing the "Bourgeois Blues" OpEd News

In 1937, the American folklorist Alan Lomax invited Louisiana folksinger Huddie Ledbetter (better known as Lead Belly) to record some of his songs for the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Lead Belly and his wife Martha searched in vain for a place to spend a few nights nearby. But they were Black and no hotel would give them shelter[...]


Despair and Joy. The Protest Movement against War. Manifesto Calling for Cease-Fire in Ukraine Global Research

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Lying liars are still lying Freethought Blogs

Ive been hearing a lot about how the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, a bank in the heart of tech bro country, where Peter Thiel kept his money, was due to it being too woke. Go woke, go broke, as they say. As it turns out, the claim is contrived nonsense.

According to stories bursting across the right-wing mediasphere today, a key reason for the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was its focus on spreading woke culture rather than efficiently managing risk and profits. Ground zero for this is the allegation that SVB had donated over $73 million to the BLM Movement & Related Causes. That struck me as quite a lot of money for a single company, even a large and profitable one, to give to any cause or even all causes. So I tried to find out where this factoid came from and rapidly found my way to a Trumpist think tank. Perhaps not surprisingly, its a complete lie. I want to show you the receipts, but first some key details.

The story came from an analysis from the Center for the American Way of Life, a project of the Claremont Institute. You can tell from the name it was going to be a skeevy, dishonest organization, where they conflate American with Capitalist. What they did was compile all charitable donations to a huge range of organizations under one umbrella they called Black Lives Matternot that BLM isnt an unworthy recipient, but that they threw in so much money that any grass roots organization would have no way to spend it all.

Basically, if a donation benefitted a black person in any way, it was BLM. For instance:

Claremont lists 3M pledging a whopping $50 million to BLM. But the cited document, published in September 2020, appears to be mainly focused on supporting STEM learning in Black communities. Its a pledge of $50 million over 5 years and lists $6 million in initial investments. That $6 million consisted of $5 million to the United Negro College Fund for work in St. Paul, Minnesota; another $1 million is slated for annual investment to social justice partnerships, led by our employee resource network community champions and building on the initial investment from 3M Foundation in 2020.

For Claremont, these are all BLM.

Oh, look, Boeing supported BLM! Not really.

Then theres Boeings $15.6 million to BLM.

You can see the cited list of recipients here. The largest recipients include the Seattle Childrens...


Silicon Valley Bank collapse Freethought Blogs

Last week, two major banks collapsed: Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature. These were the second and third largest bank collapses in US historythe largest being Washington Mutual in 2008. Since I seem to be writing about finance this month, I wanted to try my hand at explaining why, for the reader who doesnt know anything about finance.

Short answer: SVB placed a big bet long-term US treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities. However, the prices of these assets went down. Companies with money in SVB were worried about it, so they started withdrawing a lot of money, requiring SVB to sell its assets at a loss until it was wiped out. Bank collapses tend to spread via a process called contagion, and Signature appears to be the first victim.

Really long answer: Okay, lets walk through these concepts one by one.

First of all, what even is a bank? A bank is an institution that accepts deposits of money, we know that. But how does a bank pay you interest, pay expenses, and make its own profit besides? A bank basically borrows money from depositors and uses it to give out loans or make other investments. The bank makes money because its own investments give it greater returns than the interest they pay you on on your bank deposit.

You might think, why allow the bank take a cut? Cut out the middleperson, invest your money directly instead of depositing it in a bank. However, the bank account offers two distinct advantages: you are guaranteed your money back, and you can easily withdraw it at any timewith important exceptions to be discussed further down.

The ability to produce money on demand is called liquidity. If an asset is illiquid (meaning not liquid), that means that it may be difficult to sell on short notice, and you may suffer a loss from having to put on a fire sale. While depositors want their bank accounts to be completely liquid, the bank itself doesnt need to be completely liquid. Thats because, generally speaking, depositors are not going to withdraw all their money at once. Banks need enough liquidity to cover the aggregate demand of depositors, but theres a lot of room left for illiquid investments, which tend to have higher returns.

The way banks guarantee all your money back is by taking on almost all the risk themselves. Banks make leveraged investments, which means borrowing money (e.g. from depositors) to invest money. For example, suppose a bank makes a $100 investment with 10x leverage. Theyre investing $10 of their own money, and $90 of your money. If their investment has a 10% payout, then they earn $10, doubling their money. If it had a 10% loss, they lose everything, and the bank becomes insolvent, which could lead to collapse.  But it doesnt really affect deposits unless the bank suffers more than 10% loss, in which case depositors might lose some money...


US Drone Fallen in Black Sea: Suspicious Video from Pentagon VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Russia Today is such a balanced information network that it has re-launched the video released by the US Department of Defense on the alleged incident that occurred on the Black Sea on Tuesday 14 March due to the close encounter between a US Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone and SU-27 []


Canadas Foreign Minister Proposes Regime Change in Russia Global Research

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Daring Escape from Auschwitz Activist Post

By Neenah Payne Withdraw US From World Health Organization Now! shows how close Americans are to losing the freedom many of us take for granted....

Daring Escape from Auschwitz


Lula Is Lying: The NATO-Russian Proxy War Isnt Being Fought Over Small Things Global Research

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Pakistans Coup Regime Tries to Arrest Imran Khan But Faces Massive Popular Resistance Global Research

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Chinas Breakthrough in the MIddle East Global Research

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EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Demands Answers From Meta, Google, And TikTok In New Senate Probe The Federalist

Ted CruzThe Texas senator followed up with Silicon Valley's major players to explain their initial responses to congressional inquiries were not adequate.


Making new friends as an adult Freethought Blogs

Friendships are important to ones well being, even for introverts like me, with quality being more important than quantity. It is easier to form friends when one is younger, during ones school and college days, when one is thrown together with peers for extended periods of time with few responsibilities and relationships can develop organically. But once one starts working and settles into a nuclear family, it becomes more difficult to form new friends, since work place friendships can be tricky to handle. Also, when one starts working, one tends to move to different locations and lose not only the physical proximity that is conducive to maintaining existing friendships but one has fewer opportunities to make new friends.

This article by Marisa Franco discusses how to make new friends.

Our adult lives can become a monsoon of obligations, from children, to partners, to ailing parents, to work hours that trespass on our free time. A study of young adults social networks by researchers at the University of Oxford found that those in a romantic relationship had, on average, two fewer close social ties, including friends. Those with kids had lost out even more. Friendships crumble, not because of any deliberate decision to let them go, but because we have other priorities, ones that arent quite as voluntary.

Such is the pace and busyness of many peoples adult lives that they can lose contact with their friends at a rapid rate. For instance, a study by the Dutch sociologist Gerald Mollenhorst found that, over a period of seven years, people had lost touch with half of their closest friends, on average. Whats especially alarming is that many of us seem to be losing friends faster than we can replace them.

If were not careful, we risk living out our adulthoods friendless. This is a situation thats worth avoiding. Friends are not only a great source of fun and meaning in life, but studies suggest that, without them, were also at greater risk of feeling more depressed. Its telling that in their study Very Happy People (2002), the American psychologists Ed Diener and Martin Seligman found that a key difference between the most unhappy and most happy people was how socially connected they were.

Social media can give the illusion that one is well connected because one may have lots of friends on the networks but those can be superficial, really more like acquaintances than friends.

The article suggests various strategies to overcome the hesitation that many people have to initiating contact with others. The fear of rejection is a big one, that people might not like you. But Franco says that people tend to underestimate how much others, even those they may have just seen, like them. She m...


Dogs Living Near Chernobyl Are Now Genetically Different From Other Dogs In The World TruthTheory

dogs running near waving sea 2022 03 04 05 49 52 utc

dogs running near waving sea 2022 03 04 05 49 52 utc

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the dogs living near Chornobyl can have a different genetic makeup than other dogs around the world. And this has been confirmed by recent research that was conduct...


Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. Youre Next. Activist Post

By John W. Whitehead I know the capability that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this...

Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. Youre Next.


OXFAM Criticizes IMF Loans. IMF Creates Poverty & Inequality in Developing Nations Global Research

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Another anniversary! Freethought Blogs

Today I learned from webcomic that yesterday was the anniversary of the death of HP Lovecraft in 1937.

That all caps subhead, WROTE ABOUT ASTRONOMY, cracks me up, although apparently it was true, he wrote a regular column for a newspaper. I guess WROTE WEIRDLY RACIST AND NIHILISTIC COSMIC HORROR didnt fit the column width.


AUMFs Have not Been the Same as a Declaration of War Activist Post

By Michael Maharrey I recently testified before a Maryland House committee in favor of the Maryland Defend Our Guard Act. Specifically, I was asked to...

AUMFs Have not Been the Same as a Declaration of War


43 Freethought Blogs

Today is our 43rd anniversary, and this morning I was thinking about our wedding.

It was a nice wedding, not too fancy, not too stressful, exactly as my wife-to-be planned it. There were many people there: family from both sides, and lots of familiar friends from the University of Washington, where both of us had attended (Id recently graduated and had moved to Eugene, Oregon, where Mary would shortly follow). Wed been living in the dorms on campus, and had a close-knit crew whod been applying to the same rooms year after year 5th Floor Lander Hall, represent! There was the gang I played D&D with. Of course my two best friends since Junior High, Steve Klopfstein and Steve Dixon, were in attendance. These were all people I liked very much, and was happy to have a little party with them.

As I was reminiscing, though, I realized that this was also the 43rd anniversary of leaving all those good friends behind. I was never very good at being sociable, and immediately after the wedding Mary and I were off on our peripatetic academy journey, and we lost contact. I didnt tell them how much our friendship mattered, and I drifted away, no forwarding address provided (not that it would have mattered, we moved so often over the years), and didnt even try to stay in touch. I was the flavorless marzipan groom, I could stand woodenly on the cake, and do nothing but fail to communicate, no matter that I wanted to.

I guess my shriveled little heart only had enough love for one person there. At least thats held up for a good long while.


Video: BetterHelp Shares Your Data With Facebook Freethought Blogs

I think Ive been fairly open about this, but for those who dont know, I have a bit of an anxiety problem. Its mostly because of climate change, but also most of the other stuff I write about here (especially ground-hunting bats. Those things are terrifying), and Im generally taking meds for it. I have also had a couple therapists, neither of whom helped a whole lot, but it was kind of nice to have someone to talk to I guess? I think its something that should be available to anyone who needs it, especially if theyre dealing with trauma of some sort. Family and friends can be very helpful, but they dont always know how to help, and that can put pressure on any relationship.

One service that a therapist provides, supposedly, is confidentiality. A therapy session is supposed to be a place where you can share anything thats troubling you, without worrying that it will affect your social interactions. If you have a crippling fear of small, furry creatures with wings that arent flying, you may not want to let other people know about that. You might worry that others will think less of you, or feel uncomfortable around you, knowing that youre constantly on the lookout for crawling bats.

In a therapy session, at least a good one, you can feel confident that the person youre talking to you will take you as you are, and try to help you on your terms. What I would not want, for example, is for a giant corporation to find out about my pekapekaphobia, and start giving me ads for, I dunno, t-shirts with crawling bats on them, or crawling bat phone holsters or something. Or, which is more likely, theyd sell that information to a company wanting to sell me bat-repelling boots, knowing that I would do anything to finally feel safe. It goes further than that, though, because Facebook has a record of massive data leaks, and so if, somehow, they got ahold of my information, anyone could find out!

Im mentioning all this to you, in confidence, because one of my therapists was through the online service BetterHelp. It was cheaper than conventional therapy, and much easier, as I didnt have to travel to the other side of town for a session I just had to have a laptop. Unfortunately, it turns out that my sessions may not have been as private as I wanted,  because as The Illuminaughti will explain, BetterHelp shares your data with Facebook:



Republicans Cant Beat Democrats Election-Industrial Complex By Adopting Its Strategies The Federalist

ballot boxThe sudden rise of well-funded election activist nonprofits represents a paradigm shift away from persuading and motivating voters, and toward manipulating the election process to benefit Democrats.


Gas Stoves Pose Health Risks. Are Gas Furnaces and Other Appliances Safe? WhoWhatWhy

Poor air quality is a long-standing problem in Los Angeles, where the first major outbreak of smog during World War II was so intense that some residents thought the city had been attacked by chemical weapons. Cars were eventually discovered to be a leading cause of smog, but they werent the only ones. In 1978, the regional air quality authority created regulations aimed at reducing pollution from a surprising source: gas-powered water heaters found in homes throughout the city.


Gas stoves have become an unlikely front line in the culture wars thanks to growing awareness of their contribution to health problems like childhood asthma, not to mention their links to climate change. But the other gas-fueled appliances found in many American homes water heaters, furnaces, and clothes dryers, to name a few have received far less attention, although they also pose risks to public health and the environment.


Im not here to scare folks, said Brittany Meyers, the national director of healthy indoor air policy at the American Lung Association. But that said, we do know that there are impacts to both indoor and outdoor air quality that come from the burning of fuel inside the home that is vented outside, which is the appliances youre talking about.

Gas Appliances Can Give Off Toxic Carbon Monoxide and Other Air Pollutants

Approximately half of American households rely on gas appliances for heat and hot water. According to the US Census Bureau, piped natural gas powered around 61 million water heaters, 58 million furnaces, and 20 million clothes dryers in 2021. Other common gas-powered appliances include fireplaces (approximately 7 million), air conditioners (around 2 million), and space heaters.


Health risks associated with gas appliances center on the chemical composition of the fuel they burn. Natural gas consists primarily of methane, a powerful heat-trapping gas thats partly responsible for climate change, which the World Health Organization has called ...


How Forest Loss Can Unleash the Next Pandemic Articles and Investigations - ProPublica

In 2013, the worst Ebola outbreak in history started in a small village in southern Guinea, eventually tearing through West Africa. By the time it ended in 2016, more than 11,300 people were dead. Scientists have linked this and other Ebola outbreaks to specific patterns of deforestation.

To understand why, ProPublica adapted an academic model to show how the way forests are being cut down around the locations of multiple previous outbreaks could increase the risk of another outbreak today.

See more in our interactive story.


Student Loan And Big Bank Bailouts Wont Help When The National Debt Crisis Comes The Federalist

When Silicon Valley Bank went insolvent, the Biden administration rushed to bail it out, but American taxpayers will not have the same advantage when a national debt crisis comes.The losses will pile up, and American taxpayers will foot the bill until they no longer can.


Denver Residents Wont Be Satisfied Until I-25 Ramp Project Is Officially Canceled Strong Towns Media


I-25 in Denver, CO. (Source: Wikimedia Commons.)

In February, the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) announced plans to add safety improvements for people who walk, bike and roll to a controversial project that would rebuild the interchange of Interstate 25 and Broadway. In that same announcement, DOTI even expressed interest in abandoning rebuilding the interchange altogether, referred to as the South Broadway & I-25 Improvement Project. Residents critical of the interchange rejoice at DOTI's words, but fear that the projectwhich has loomed over Denver since the 2000smight still possess enough momentum to move forward, despite opposition.

The project originally took shape in 2006 and lay dormant until 2020, according to neighborhood advocates. Even the projects 2008 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), a mandatory assessment that outlines the impact of a proposed project on its surrounding environment, is still cited in the projects 2023 iteration. In a 2022 letter addressed to DOTI personnel, the Lincoln Broadway Corridor Registered Ne...


Secular Media Is Getting Scandoval All Wrong The Federalist

Tom SandovalThe raw emotional wreckage of Scandoval points out that prioritizing sex, booze, and work in your twenties and thirties is not a healthy cultural norm for Americas young professionals.


Sorry, Media Nerds, The War In Ukraine Is Literally A Territorial Dispute The Federalist

Ron DeSantis should say it one more time for the people in the back. The war is literally a dispute over territory.


Elizabeth Holmes Has Two Young Children. Should That Keep Her Out of Prison? The Marshall Project

Sending new moms to prison has devastating consequences. Some states are starting to rethink the practice.


The Environmental Cost of the US Superpowers Hybrid War Games in Indian Ocean VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

On the cover image the moment in which U.S. Navy and Marine Corps began exercise Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT)/Marine Exercise (MAREX) Sri Lanka 2023 with the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) and Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) in Colombo, Jan. 19, 2023 (photo US Embassy in Sri Lanka)  by Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake Dr. Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, []


This and That Virtual Mirage

  In search of the lost ark   AUKUS trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Defense News) On Monday, the U.S., Australia, and the United Kingdom unveiled new details about their partnership to produce for Australia its own nuclear-powered submarine by 2040, known as the SSN AUKUS. The U.S. []

The post This and That appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Wealthy Executives Make Millions Trading Competitors Stock With Remarkable Timing Articles and Investigations - ProPublica

On Feb. 21, 2018, August Troendle, an Ohio billionaire, made a remarkably well-timed stock trade. He sold $1.1 million worth of shares of Syneos Health the day before a management shake-up caused the companys stock to plunge 16%. It was the largest one-day drop that year for Syneos share price.

The company was one Troendle knew well. He is the CEO of Medpace, one of Syneos chief competitors in a niche industry. Both Syneos and Medpace handle clinical trials for biopharma companies, and that year they had jointly launched a trade association for companies in the field.

The day after selling the Syneos shares in February 2018, Troendle bought again at least $3.9 million worth. The value of his Syneos stake then rose 75% in the year that followed.

In February 2019, Troendle sold much of that position, netting $2.3 million in profit. Two days later, Syneos disclosed that the Securities and Exchange Commission was investigating its accounting practices. The news sent the companys shares tumbling. Troendles sale avoided a 25% loss, the stocks largest decline in such a short period during either that or the previous year. (Troendle declined to comment.)

The Medpace executive is among dozens of top executives who have traded shares of either competitors or other companies with close connections to their own. A Gulf of Mexico oil executive invested in one partner company the day before it announced good news about some of its wells. A paper-industry executive made a 37% return in less than a week by buying shares of a competitor just before it was acquired by another company. And a toy magnate traded hundreds of millions of dollars in stock and options of his main rival, conducting transactions on at least 295 days. He made an 11% return over a recent five-year period, even as the rivals shares fell by 57%.

August Troendle (via the Medpace website)

These transactions are captured in a vast IRS dataset of stock trades made by the countrys wealthiest people, part of a trove of tax data leaked to ProPublica. ProPublica analyzed millions of those trades, is...


Jesus Wasnt Really Named Jesus So What Was His Real Name? TruthTheory

55750569 m normal none

55750569 m normal none

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

In the 21st century, the name of the Son of God has been synonymous with Jesus. But, several theologians and historians show that the very name of Jesus has gone through multiple translations and alterations over the centuries. This implies that Jesus real name is actually not Jesus, but some ancient name that is different in different regions. In ancient Greek, the real name is Iesous. In other Hebrew texts, the name of Jesus is Joshua. And in multiple versions of the Bible- the New Testament- the name of Jesus is Hoshea. This name is in itself a variant of the name Jehoshua. The latter predates the mass exodus of the Jews centuries before he was even born, which then evolved to Jeshua, and finally- Jesus. Needless to say, this name has been in usage since modern times as his devotees call him by it. 

Subscribe to Truth Theory on Youtube, new videos every week:...


How Terrorists Of The Mind Weaponize Section 230 and Islamophobia For Character Assassination The Federalist

Asra Nomani and Woke ArmyMuslim radicals wage a war to discredit Muslim reformers and the right as Islamophobes, using Section 230 as a shield for their propaganda.


How The False Promises Of The Sexual Revolution Created A New Religion The Federalist

Mary Eberstadts new book, 'Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited,' shows how the sexual revolution became a destructive cultural movement.


Earn Passive Income Cloud Mining With HappyMiner VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Most individuals return their investment amount within 3-10 days on HappyMiner. In this HappyMiner review, You will read about cloud mining services a well-known US hash provider provides. Lets find out if HappyMiner is legitimate or a scam, what services they now supply to investors, and how realistically profitable their contracts are. What is HappyMiner? []


Report from NYC Rally in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito It's Going Down

Action report on solidarity demonstration with anarchist political prisoner, Alfredo Cospito. For more information on the case, see here.

Anarchist comrades rallied in support of Italian political prisoner, Alfredo Cospito, outside of the Italian embassy in New York City. From their report:

Solidarity demo with Alfredo Cospito in so-called NYC, we made Alfredos voice heard with our voices and fire works at the Italian consulate as he nears the end of his hungry strike and the cruelty of the 41bis system. We hold great love for Alfredo and all political prisoners and dream of a day of total freedom.

Free Alfredo Cospito!
No to 41BIS
Fire to the Prisons!


Christmas Trees Planted In The UK To Help Prevent Floods True Activist


Floodings happen all the time and in order to avoid this from happening in the future, a woman from Yorkshire thought about what to do. She came to realize that there are actually thousands of Christmas trees go to waste every single year.

Instead of doing something about these trees, people simply cut them up and throw them into the trash where these are left to rot on their own. In reality, these trees could actually be used as natural flood protection. Hence, this enterprising lady started a unique business just for this purpose.

She started the Rooted Christmas tree rental and what this does is deliver a potted Christmas fir, pine, or spruce to a family when the holidays come around and the decorations are about to be set up. Once the lights are taken down and the tree needs to be removed, the company collects these rentals and replants so that these plants get to see another Holiday season.

During the replanting, the trees are able to grow taller and when they reach full growth, they are replanted on the slopes of the nearby Calder Valley. These then become natural floodwater breaks when the rainy season comes.


The COVID Scam and the Lockdown Files: Biggest Scandal of the Century? Does It Qualify as a Crime Against Humanity? Global Research

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The Deplorable State of Affairs in Canadas Federal New Democratic Party (NDP) Global Research

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Provoked NATO Expansion, Unprovoked Ukraine War, and the Dire China Threat Global Research

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Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. Youre Next Global Research

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False Narrative: How the Vermont Trial of an Alleged Terrorist Revealed the Danger of Guilt by Association, and the Way Disinformation Creates a False Narrative. Global Research

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Video: Japan Is Waking Up to the Facts. The COVID-19 Injections Are Causing Harm. Global Research

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COVID-19 mRNA Global Research

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Trashing Asylum: The UKs Illegal Migration Bill Global Research

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The Nord Stream-Andromeda Cover Up. Scott Ritter Global Research

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Selected Articles: Financial Failure in America: The Cover-up Begins Global Research

Financial Failure in America: The Cover-up Begins

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 15, 2023

The disinformation service, Bloomberg, takes the lead. Bloomberg points its finger at Donald Trump and Trump era deregulation. In Bloombergs rewriting of history,  Trump

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Global Financial Meltdown: Sweeping Deregulation of the US Banking System Global Research

The financial sector reforms of the late 1999s had set the stage for the current financial crisis

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New York Gov. Hochul Wants Her Quarantine Camps Global Research

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My Brother Midjing: Jellicle Juggalos Freethought Blogs

My brother used Midjourney to make

Insane Clown Posse in Cats.  Enjoy.



Warning! Silicon Valley Bank Collapse A Prelude of Much Worse to Come? Derivatives: Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction. Global Research

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The Biden administration just approved a rail merger, because of course they did. Freethought Blogs

Ive got a couple longer pieces in the works right now, including a followup on the Norfolk Southern disaster in East Palestine, OH. This is sort of peripheral to that. I think Ive mentioned in the past that railroads are natural monopolies, and monopolies are a serious problem for society, if theyre being operated for private gain. From that point of view, I suppose one could argue that a rail company merger is no big deal theyre already monopolies of a sort, so does it really matter if they become more monopolistic? Well, I think so. At the very least, its a matter of principle. As Ive already said in the past, Im in favor of the government having a monopoly on rail in the United States, but thats with the (optimistic) assumption that it would be run for the benefit of the general population.

Unfortunately, thats not what were talking about today. In the midst of national scrutiny on the industry, the Biden administration has apparently decided that theyre just fine with at least some corporate mergers:

U.S. federal regulators on Wednesday approved the first major railroad merger in more than two decades, a move that follows the East Palestine rail disaster and that critics warned would reduce competition, raise prices, cost jobs, and threaten safety.

The Surface Transportation Board (STB) approved Canadian Pacific Railway Limiteds proposed $31 billion acquisition of Kansas City Southern Railway Company, a merger that will create a single railroad linking Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The agency said the merger will take roughly 64,000 truckloads off the road and add more than 800 union jobs.

The decision includes an unprecedented seven-year oversight period and contains many conditions designed to mitigate environmental impacts, preserve competition, protect railroad workers, and promote efficient passenger rail, STB said, adding that it also anticipates the merger will result in improvements in safety and the reduction of carbon emissions.

However, opponents of the deal pointed to the East Palestine, Ohio disast...


The Pentagons B-Movie. Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks Global Research

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The Tiger King announces hes running for president from prison: Its time we take this country back DeadState

Joseph Maldonado-Passage, better known as Joe Exotic or the Tiger King, announced that he is running for president in 2024, according to a report from KXAN. The 21-year federal prison sentence hes currently serving after he was convicted in 2018 on two-counts of murder-for-hire may complicate his candidacy, but he says thats not going to []


Financial Meltdown and the Bailouts: The Role of Speculative Trade. Wall Street Criminality on Display Global Research

Of relevance to the recent bank crisis. Firer published on August 26, 2020

The Role of Bailouts and Speculative trade

The elimination of the Glass-Steagall Act in November 1999 was essential to the process of dramatically cutting back the governments

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The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. Americas Third War against Iraq initiated by Obama Global Research

The objective is to engineer a civil war in Iraq, in which both sides are controlled indirectly by US-NATO. The scenario is to arm and equip them, on both sides, finance them with advanced weapons systems and then "let them fight".

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A Too Big To Fail Bank In Europe Is Literally On The Brink Of Collapse Activist Post

By Michael Snyder Do you remember when wealthy people all over the world would stash their money in Swiss banks because there were so strong...

A Too Big To Fail Bank In Europe Is Literally On The Brink Of Collapse



Targeted Justice Files Lawsuit Alleging Crimes Against US Citizens Is it a Bombshell or a Fizzle? Activist Post

By Janet Phelan On January 12, 2023, Targeted Justice, which holds itself out as a resource for those who claim to be targeted with covert...

Targeted Justice Files Lawsuit Alleging Crimes Against US Citizens Is it a Bombshell or a Fizzle?


Former GOP Senate nominee (whos a woman) says allowing women to vote was the worst thing to ever happen in America DeadState

During a recent interview, former GOP nominee for U.S. Senate Lauren Witzke curiously undermined her own existence in politics, saying that allowing women to vote was a big mistake. In regards to women voting, that was the worst thing to ever happen to America too, she said. Look at us now women overwhelmingly vote []


Kamala Harris Husband: The Holocaust And Going To A School Board Meeting Are Interconnected The Federalist

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff at SXSWAs a frequent visitor of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Emhoff should know that 'Holocaust Analogies Are Dangerous.'


The End of The Golden Rule Guardian Liberty Voice

I believe I am not overstating the fact that everything wrong about America is based on one fact: the Golden Rule is nearly non-existent in America in the 21st century. The basis for the Golden Rule, which means always doing the right thing regardless of the consequences, comes from the teachings of Jesus Christ in []

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Ban Extended on Forced Installation of Prepayment Smart Meters; Internal Investigation in Process Activist Post

By B.N. Frank The bad news is that a U.K. water provider has started installing controversial smart water meters without notifying residents.  The good news...

Ban Extended on Forced Installation of Prepayment Smart Meters; Internal Investigation in Process


Democrat Activist To Resign From Voter Roll Operation After Pressure From GOP States The Federalist

David BeckerWhile Becker's departure from ERIC is a welcome development, his influence still looms large, as CEIR and ERIC are intricately linked.


America Is the Greatest Country in the World Guardian Liberty Voice

America Is the Greatest Country in the World Because Its the Richest in the World Are you as tired of hearing politicians tell the lies in my title without an iota of shame? I sure as hell am. Approximately 38 million Americans live below the poverty line and about 50 million struggle with an income []

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Dirty Money: Meet US agent Driving CIA-led Riots in Iran VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

There are Iranian women, though a minority, who are not in favor of the mandatory veil a legitimate grievance, an opinionated dissatisfaction to which humankind is entitled. And then there are people leading a fraudulent anti-hijab movement with a barrel aimed at Tehran.


Records: Missouri County Used Taxpayer Money To Join Democrats Private Election Takeover Scheme The Federalist

voting booths at a precinctNewly obtained records reveal that Boone County, Missouri, used taxpayer dollars to join the left-wing U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence.


Piles of Ukrainian Soldiers Bodies Scattered on Svatovo-Kremennaya, Whose Action? VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Whose action? The Jewish/Neocon Mafia should be held accountable for this diabolical activity.


Human Patenting, The Coming CBDC Push & Does Your Gov Consider You A Domestic Threat Actor? The Last American Vagabond

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/15/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

TLAV Fundraising Event - March 20th 2023
Justifying a CBDC Transition
(28) El hombre que re (The Man Who Laughs) on Twitter: "2013 @TLAVagabond @SlowNewsDayShow" / Twitter
BLM Funding Database - The American Way of Life
(35) "We have less than two years left now" (from:GretaThunberg) - Twitter Search / Twitter
(55) Greta Thunberg on Twitter: "We have less than two years left now to bend the emission curve, and we had this chance to try to inform people about the crisis we are in, but instead we take that opportunity to spread false hope. IPCC plays huge gamble with our future. #climatecrisis #klimatkris #ipcc" / Twitter
(35) Bernie's Tweets on Twitter: "CLIMATE CHANGE - Doomsday predictions from Al Gore 1992, we had 10 years to save the world. Hes still at it but this time its tied up in the UN & WEFs The Great Reset. He wasnt a billionaire before he became a climate activist. Follow the money." / Twitter
Trade Halts - Current
"Too Big To Fail" Credit Suisse Domino Effect Far More Potent Than SVB | ZeroHedge


John Oliver on the abuse of TANF Freethought Blogs

The program known as TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) provides states and territories with flexibility in operating programs designed to help low-income families with children achieve economic self-sufficiency.  States use TANF to fund monthly cash assistance payments to low-income families with children, as well as a wide range of services.

On the latest episode of his show, John Oliver describes how this program has been abused so that a lot of the money does not go to the people it was meant for.

Part of the problem is that although it is a federal program, rather than the federal government giving the money directly to needy people, conservatives lobbied to have the federal government give it in the form of block grants to states who were given guidelines on how the money could be spent. But the guidelines were loose enough to allow states to siphon money away to build things like a new college volleyball stadium. This is why proposals to convert federal programs into block grants to states should always be viewed with extreme caution.


Pope Francis to Defend Orthodox Against Expulsion from Historical Kiev Monastery by Zelensky VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Pope Francis has voiced concern over the situation in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra following attempts by the Ukrainian authorities to expel monks from the countrys iconic Orthodox Christian site. Speaking at the end of a general audience on Wednesday, the pontiff said he was thinking about the Orthodox monks in the Kiev Lavra. I ask []


US Spy Drone Fallen in Black Sea: Moscow denied Clash with Russian Interceptors and Considers it a Provocation VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

On the cover image a MQ-9 Reaper Drone of the U.S. Air Force by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio The Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday denied claims by the US military that a Russian interceptor came into contact with the American MQ-9 drone over the Black Sea, causing it to crash. Moscow regards Tuesdays incident in []


Pfizer Wants EU to Keep Paying for Unused COVID Jabs VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

by Carlo Domenico Cristofori VERSIONE IN ITALIANO In addition to damages for more than a million of adverse reactions recorded in the European Union by the mRNA gene serum Comirnaty produced by Pfizer and Biontech, the subject of international complaints and investigations, there is also mockery. Indeed, as reported by the Financial Times, New Yorks []


Kommer historiekunskapen att helt frbjudas? VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

VT:s Jan Westh rapporterar om lget fr global information



The 5,000-Mile-Long Seaweed Snake Circling in the Gulf of Mexico WhoWhatWhy

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to


The 5,000-Mile-Long Seaweed Snake Circling in the Gulf of Mexico and Hitting Beaches (Maria)

The author writes, It stretches over 5,000 miles. It weighs over 10 million tons. And its circling around the Gulf of Mexico and the mid-Atlantic, where the right combination of currents and wind could push it ashore. After a decade of record-breaking blooms, 2023s sargassum mass is again shaping up to cause headaches (literally and figuratively) for beachside towns and tourists.


What Happens If North Carolina Bans Abortion? Or Ohio? Or Florida? (Sean)

From FiveThirtyEight: New bans will have outsized impacts on who can get an abortion, how far they have to drive for it and how long they have to wait for an appointment. A new analysis by Caitlin Myers, an economics professor at Middlebury College who studies abortion, illustrates how abortion access could continue to dwindle this year if key states like Florida and North Carolina pass additional restrictions.


What Do Race and Ethnicity Mean? The US Government Is Asking (Reader Steve)

The author writes, Nyhiem Way is weary of people conflating African American and Black. Shalini Parekh wants a way for South Asian people to identify themselves differently than East Asians with roots in places like China or Japan. And Byron Haskins wants the U.S. to toss racial and ethnic labels altogether. Way, Parekh, and Haskins voices are among more than 4,600 comments pending before the Biden administration as it contemplates updating the nations racial and ethnic categories for the first time since 1997.


Silicon Valley Bank CEO Shou...



US Imperial Anxieties Mount Over China-Brokered Iran-Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Deal Global Research

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Microsoft Scraps AI Ethics Team As It Rolls Out ChatGPT Activist Post

Microsoft is doubling down on ChatGPT and related AI technologies, obviously intending to dominate the market as it transforms into a knowledge organ for humanity....

Microsoft Scraps AI Ethics Team As It Rolls Out ChatGPT


US Never Ending Wars: 32 Years Ago, Americas First War against Iraq Global Research

The War on Iraq was launched 20 years ago on March 20, 2003. (Baghdad time)

The US-NATO led invasion of Iraq started on 20 March 2003 on the pretext that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

The 1991 Gulf

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Random Obs. Virtual Mirage

        Bullet Points: ** This guy is a weird cat,  but make of the youtube video as you will.  If you plan to disappear, dont tell anyone what you plan to do or how you plan to do it. Dont share with others, and live your legend (your new identity). ** (Zeihan) []

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When a Building Is Demolished, What Should Happen to the Materials? Strong Towns Media


What happens when old buildings have reached the end of their life, either their useful life in terms of safety or their desirable life in terms of modern living? a Next City article asks. The piece goes on to say that when buildings throughout the U.S. get demolished, the once useful construction materials often end up in landfills. But theres a growing movement to try and disassemble buildings carefully, and rescue building materials to be used in other projects. In todays Upzoned episode, host Abby Kinney and co-host Chuck Marohn talk about this growing movement.




AUKUS Meeting (Biden, Sunak, Albanese) Furthers China Containment Strategy with New Nuclear-powered Submarine Deal Global Research

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China-Russia Dichotomy: Cooperation or Confrontation on Global Issues? Forthcoming Talks between Putin and Xi regarding Ukraine Peace Plan? Global Research

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Heres Where GOP Election Officials Stand On Their States Ties To A Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll Maintenance Group The Federalist

A bunch of 'I voted' stickers on a surfaceThe Federalist pressed GOP state election officials about their participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center.


Financial Failure in America: The Cover-up Begins Global Research

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Too many spiders? Freethought Blogs

I admit, I might have a small problem. I came in to work this morning and found another egg sac had spewed out a bunch of adorable baby spiderlings. (This is a very low resolution shot, I hope the arachnophobes here can bear it.)

This is nothing new or surprising. Ive had four egg sacs bear fruit since last week, so Im getting used to it. I sit down and sort out all the spiderlings into separate vials, and tuck them away near the incubators. Not in the incubators theyre all full of spiders already. They seem to do fine at room temperature.

Well, I think the future of the colony is more than assured at this point. If I raise 150 spiderlings to adulthood, Id have to take over the neighboring lab spaces and maybe occupy the science building atrium, and I have about 15 more egg sacs waiting in various containers already. Im going to have to draw a terrible, wicked line.

Future babies will not be coddled and given living quarters and free food. Instead, we have some experiments in microscopy and staining in mind, and they will be killed, quickly and humanely, thrown into fixative, and their bodies treated with various exotic chemical compounds before being mounted on a confocal microscope.

Oh jeez, I sound like a Republican.


US Schools Need to Teach Kids About Proxy War Global Research

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Is the US Funding an Experiment in Digital Control in Ukraine? Global Research

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CIA, SBU Terrorize Ethnic Russians in Transnistria Global Research

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CODEPINK Joins National Call-In Days to Remove Cuba from State Sponsors of Terrorism List Global Research

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Protest Song Of The Week: We Were Here By Aysanabee Shadowproof

Originally published at Ongoing History of Protest Music

Born Evan Pang, Aysanabee is a Canadian Indigenous multi-instrumentalist, producer, and singer-songwriter. He is Oji-Cree and began creating music under his mothers maiden name in order to reclaim his family name.

Aysanabees mother gave him the last name Pang because she felt that a non-Indigenous name would make it easier to find employment.

His 2022 debut album Watin was named after his grandfather. His grandfather was renamed from Watin to Walter by the McIntosh Residential School in northwestern Ontario that he was forced to attend.

Watin actually started out as a series of conversations between myself and my grandfather, said Aysanabee. We spent the first year of the pandemic talking about things weve never spoke about, his life on the trapline on Sandy Lake First Nation, falling in love, his life in residential school and then leaving everything behind..we never spoke of it until now. Even though we were over 1,000 kilometres apart, it was probably the closest weve ever been.

The album includes nine spoken word interludes featuring his grandfather, which add poignancy to the music.

The opening interlude relates to Watins harrowing experiences in residential school: Ya I was eight years when I went to Residential School. Somebody from outside, the government person, said if you dont send your kids out, you guys, were not going to help you. And so I went to school. We had no choice. It was 300 kids that went to school, and I used to cry. I was lonesome. I was wondering why I was sent here. And I didnt know why. What did I do wrong?

One of the albums highlights is the anthemic We Were Here. It opens with the potent lyrics, They say that we can reconcile this. Put it in the past. They say that we can reconcile this. What if I cant?

The song and album are all about reclamation in the face of fading memories, fleeting stories, and disappearing words. Even though there may be efforts to whitewash history, Aysanabee defiantly declares that its in my blood.

The post...


The Not-So-Winding Road from Iraq to Ukraine Global Research

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Freeing America from the Quagmire of Inequality Global Research

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Former US National Security Advisor: Destroy Taiwan Semiconductor Factories If China Invades Global Research

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Death of an ivermectin influencer Freethought Blogs

Thanks to the internet and the rise of social media, we now live in a world where there are vast numbers of so-called influencers, people who try to tell others what to do in pretty much every area of their lives, even if they have no expertise or credentials in that field. What is surprising (to me at least) is that there are so many people willing to follow their advice.

Daniel Lemoi was one such influencer and he died on March 3, 2023 at the age of 50. He used his channel on the social media app Telegram to advocate for the use of the drug ivermectin, the deworming medicine that gained popularity as a prophylactic and treatment for developed to treat humans for certain specific ailments, he chose horses and cows, something that has been strongly discouraged by medical professionals. But its use took off after some people promoted it as an alternative to Covid vaccines and treatments.

For the last decade, Lemoi had taken a daily dose of veterinary ivermectin, a dewormer designed to be used on large animals like horses and cows. In 2021, as ivermectin became a popular alternative COVID-19 treatment among anti-vaxxers, he launched what became one of the largest Telegram channels dedicated to promoting the use of it, including instructions on how to administer ivermectin to children.

animals on a daily basis in 2012, after he was diagnosed with Lyme disease, according to a detailed account of his medical history he gave on a podcast last November. He said then that five months after first taking the drug, he quit all other treatments and believed ivermectin had regenerated his heart muscle.

And according to the Missouri Poison Center, ingesting large doses of ivermectin formulated for animals has a long list of side effects, including seizures, coma, lung issues, and heart problems. Veterinary ivermectin is not a cure or effective treatment for COVID, the FDA has repeatedly warned, and is highly concentrated because it is designed for large animals like horses and cows. Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans, the FDA cautions.

Many of the people who had been following Lemois advice have been reporting on his Telegram channel the numerous kinds of side effects that medical experts had warned might occur if people veterinarians.

Lemoi explained away the negative side effects of taking veterinary ivermectin by describing them as herxing, a real term to describe an adverse response that occurs in people who take antibio...


Blood Does Not Wash Away Blood Global Research

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More Than 100 Groups Demand EPA Conduct Dioxin Testing in Areas Impacted by the East Palestine Train Derailment Global Research

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Israel and Its US Lobby Dealt Major Blow by China-Saudi-Iran Peace Initiative Global Research

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Pakistans Fascist Post-Modern Coup Regime Risks Replicating the East Pakistan Tragedy Global Research

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The Cell Phone Is a Pair of Red High Heels Global Research

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LancetGate: Scientific Corona Lies and Big Pharma Corruption. Hydroxychloroquine versus Gileads Remdesivir Global Research

The campaign against HCQ is carried out through slanderous political statements, media smears, not to mention an authoritative peer reviewed "evaluation" published on May 22nd by The Lancet, which was based on fake figures and test trials.

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New Wuhan Scandal: US Agencies Double-Paid Virus Research Costs Activist Post

By Tyler Durden The US government may have made tens of millions of dollars in duplicate payments for virus research at the Wuhan Institute for...

New Wuhan Scandal: US Agencies Double-Paid Virus Research Costs

Wednesday, 15 March


You can clearly see the direction they want to go Freethought Blogs

The conservative vision of the future of America is quite clear. Lets hide the ugly parts of our history. An eighth grade history teacher was canceled.

Finally, on Feb. 8, 2022, at 4:05 p.m., Wickenkamp scored a Zoom meeting with Superintendent Laurie Noll. He asked the question he felt lay at the heart of critiques of his curriculum. Knowing that I should stick to the facts, and knowing that to say Slavery was wrong, thats not a fact, thats a stance, Wickenkamp said, is it acceptable for me to teach students that slavery was wrong?

Noll nodded her head, affirming that saying slavery was wrong counts as a stance.

We had people that were slaves within our state, Noll said, according to a video of the meeting obtained by The Post. Were not supposed to say to [students], How does that make you feel? We cant or, Does that make you feel bad? Were not to do that part of it.

She continued: To say Is slavery wrong? I really need to delve into it to see is that part of what we can or cannot say. And I dont know that, Greg, because I just dont have that. So I need to know more on that side.

He left the teaching profession after that load of waffly rubbish.

They hate women. Conservatives have a radical perspective on abortion and contraception.

The House Judiciary Committee in Arkansas was scheduled to discuss a bill that would classify causing the death of an unborn child as a homicide. Im not using the word abortion here for a reasonbecause while the legislation would certainly make abortion prosecutable as a homicide, it goes far beyond that. HB 1174 says that its a crime to end a pregnancy by wrongful act, neglect or default, language so broad that women who have had miscarriages could be prosecuted for murder if the state decides that they somehow caused it. (The bill even specifies that accidental miscarriage is not prosecutable, which means that legislators believe there is such a thing as a miscarriage that is not accidental.)

So if a woman miscarries and the state decides that it happened because she lifted a heavy box, or didnt take her prenatal vitaminsthey could charge her with murder. I wrote about this bill back in January, but its worth repeating: There is no limit to what a zealous prosecutor could argue caused a miscarriage or stillbirth. In fact, cases like this have already been brought forward before...


Have You Noticed America Is Looking Like a Third World Nation? OpEd News

America has an entirely new type of slum we haven't seen here since the 1930s, the product of 42 years of the Reagan Revolution. We call them "tent cities" and roadsides lined with old RVs and cars"


Bank Collapses: Yes, It's a Taxpayer Bailout OpEd News

US president Joe Biden "stresses that Silicon Valley Bank is not getting a bailout," The Hill reported on March 13.----"[N]o losses will be borne by the taxpayers," he said of the federal government's decision to cover depositor losses in excess of $250,000. "Instead, the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the Deposit Insurance Fund."----But Biden's explanation doesn't support Biden's claim.


Suicide as a way of solving problems OpEd News

Spiritlessness and the lack of positivism in modern times negatively affects the psychological state of the population of any country. These topics attract an audience, but on the other hand, they lay a huge negative that can lead to suicide. Every year, more than 800 thousand people do not find another way out and take their own lives.


What Is The School District Hiding? OpEd News

Are charter schools in Los Angeles also affected by declining enrollment? The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Charter School Division will not release the information.


Lithuania is on a slippery slope hosting NATO troops OpEd News

As Lithuania not only calls on NATO partners to increase military presence on its territory, the authorities also allocate large sum of money to develop national military infrastructure.----Thus, the Ministry of National Defence is implementing an infrastructure development project in preparation for hosting the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.


America Isn't Sweet Home, DeSantis! OpEd News

This is an article responding to the fascist DeSantis and his attempt to return Ameria to the days of the plantation.


The United Nation commemorates the first-ever International Day to Combat Islamophobia OpEd News

The United Nations on March 10 commemorated the first-ever International Day to Combat Islamophobia with a special event in the General Assembly Hall, where speakers upheld the need for concrete action in the face of rising hatred, discrimination and violence against Muslims, the United Nations website reported.


The Federal Reserve Bank Killed Silicon Valley Bank OpEd News

By raising interests rates to high and too fast, the Federal Reserve Bank killed Silicon Valley Bank.


China's Steel Wall OpEd News

"China's leader Xi Jinping on Monday vowed to bolster national security and build the military into a "great wall of steel," in the first speech of his precedent-breaking third term as president." - CNN


Ukraine: The Greatest Geopolitical Catastrophe of the...? OpEd News

Ukraine war can spiral out of control. But that could pale in comparison to a greater danger that is little known.


Indict Trump? Sure, But Don't Forget That's Exactly What He Wants. OpEd News

If there's probable cause to believe Trump committed crimes, he should be charged and prosecuted. Prosecutors in New York and Georgia may make their moves soon, and special counsel Jack Smith could conceivably recommend charges relating to the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.----But, buyers beware: That's exactly what Trump wants.


Nita Farahany: Neurotech Poses An Immediate Threat To Our Last Bastion Of Freedom The Federalist

Battle for Your Brain websiteMeta has 'technology that can embed sensors' into a device like a watch. It picks up brain activity and may tell your body what to do.


Stump the right-winger Freethought Blogs

Who the heck is Bethany Mandel? I had to look her up on Wikipedia to find out: shes a conservative pundit, one of those weird libertarian goons.

She transferred to Rutgers University in 2005 for its strong Jewish Studies department and Jewish student community, and worked full-time while a full-time student, graduating in 2008 with a degree in history and Jewish studies. During her college years, she adopted conservative views after finding that Medicaid and other government welfare programs she had expected to help her after her mothers death were inefficient and ineffective, objecting to the idea that as someone who had grown up in poverty, she had any white privilege, as well as due to the influence of college friends and the writings of Ayn Rand.

She has recently written a book titled Stolen Youth, about how the left is waging an all-out battle on the American family, particularly the youngest members. If they can make our children miserable, lead them to question every building block of society, and rebuild their entire concept of reality, then the left and their woke indoctrinators will consider that a victory. Right. That kind of popular right wing fanatic.

I dont have any sympathy for the kind of fame shes getting right now. She was being interviewed, and was asked to define woke. Watch her brain short circuit its quick.

Woke is the understanding that we need to totally reimagine and redo society in order to create hierarchies of oppression

She did manage to scrape up a very bad definition: woke is not about being aware of systemic bias, its about creating hierarchies of oppression, which is kind of the absolute opposite of the idea. No wonder she hates it!

Thats a good way to handle these clowns: just ask them to define what theyre railing against, and either theyre going to give an accurate definition (as Desantis did, the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them), which made him look like a hateful idiot for opposing it, or they have to invent a fake definition (like Mandel, the need to reimagine society in order to create hierarchies of oppression) and look like an ignorant idiot.

Good work, Briahna Joy Gray. You made that skewering look effortless.


The Stanford Free Speech Debacle Is Another Reason Universities Need To Fire 99.9% Of Their Administrators The Federalist

Stanford speaker shouted down by woman who should be firedUniversity bureaucrats will continue to flex their power, stifle learning, undermine the quality of professors, and shut down viewpoint diversity until faculty and students demand they be banished from campus.


Kellogg Pledged $91 Million To Racial Division While Slashing Employee Benefits The Federalist

Kellogg VideoIt looks like Kellogg's corporate executives are more interested in leftist virtue signaling than paying their workers.


Major Gas Utility Is Pouring Money Into Reversing an Oregon Citys Electric-Only Mandate WhoWhatWhy

Oregons largest gas utility has funneled nearly a million dollars of cash and in-kind contributions into a campaign to overturn a new electrification mandate in the states second-largest city. 


Just days after the Eugene City Council voted on February 6 to ban gas hookups in new low-rise residential construction, a group named Eugene Residents for Energy Choice was registered with the Oregon Secretary of State


Its materials frame the group as a grassroots coalition pushing back on Eugenes electrification policy. Our voices need to be heard, its website states. We encourage everyone who supports energy choice and who believes that the Eugene City Council ignored the will of the people to join us.


But the group appears to be more astroturf than grassroots. As of late February, NW Natural appears to be its sole funder. Between February 10 and February 24, NW Natural gave close to $950,000 to the new group, including cash donations totaling $875,000 and in-kind contributions of $51,401 and $22,679. The group has since paid an outside company to gather enough signatures to put the law on Novembers b...


What Algorithms Get Wrong About Taxes (and What Humans Fail To Fix) Strong Towns Media


Every time your local elected officials tell you they dont have money for park maintenance, public school teachers, or basic public safety measures, remember this: Theyre only telling part of the story, wrote Joe Minicozzi on how his county of Buncombe, North Carolina, uses flawed formulas to generate valuations which result in thousands of dollars worth of tax breaks for owners of larger, more expensive homes. These tax breaks, caused by incorrect assessments, are not only the fault of a flawed computer software system, but also the humans who carry a responsibility in fixing it.

You wouldnt let a kid come home with a 50% report card, Minicozzi said. But to Minicozzi, it seems like assessors (in North Carolina and nationwide) are allowing the property tax system to do just that. It's a whole other thing when a human actually has the test score to look at and chooses to ignore it.

Minicozzi has been advocating for transparent local accounting in North Carolina, along with the Just Accounting for Health Project (JAfH), for a little over a year. While Minicozzi has noted that assessors may just be married to a corrupt systemone theyve received advance training in and may not realize is corrupthes deeply questioning why local assessors havent made significant changes in closing the assessment gap, as more and more evidence of a broken property tax system surface. According to JAfH and national research by Dr. Christopher Berry of the University of Chicago, the assessment gap is present nationwide throughout the property tax system; in other words, the property tax burden has been shifted from owners of larger and more expensive properties to people who own smaller and less expensive homes.

In North Carolina, the assessment gap can be seen through a miscalculation in true value, where more expensive homes are underassessed. The state law directs that the true value of a home is equal to the market value, meaning a home must be assessed at the sale price so the owner receives the correctly charged property tax bill....


Futurists predict a point where humans and machines become one. But will we see it coming? OpEd News

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Or throw like a bone of contention to the dogs of Wah. THe AIs are here, yes, but are we prepared to be absorbed like in the movie The Blob, at Lover's Lane, Janey (humans) telling AI Steve, "I know what you want, Steve."


Midweek Muse Virtual Mirage

  The Ides of March have arrived and the first day of Spring is around the corner. Back at the White Wolf Mine a lot of the snow has melted and were bracingfor more snow. I dont know who to blame but I could go on a groundhog-killing rampage this year just to stop this []

The post Midweek Muse appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Dozens of Museums and Universities Pledge to Return Native American Remains. Few Have Funded the Effort. Articles and Investigations - ProPublica

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. This story is part of an ongoing series investigating the return of Native American ancestral remains. Sign up for ProPublicas Repatriation Project newsletter to get updates as they publish and learn more about our reporting.

Until this year, the University of Kentuckys William S. Webb Museum of Anthropology had never returned any of the more than 4,500 Native American human remains in its collections.

That is about to change.

Weeks after ProPublica published the Repatriation Project, the university told federal officials that 138 ancestral remains in its collection could be repatriated to three Shawnee tribes in Oklahoma and Missouri. The university also announced it will commit nearly $900,000 over the next three years and hire three more staff members to work on repatriations.

This significant investment in staff and resources is a testament to the universitys steadfast commitment to Native nations and completing the sensitive process of repatriation with transparency, dignity and respect, Kristi Willet, a university spokesperson, said in an email to ProPublica.

The University of Kentucky is among more than a dozen U.S. schools and museums that have pledged to redouble their efforts to return the human remains and belongings in some cases numbering in the thousands that were taken from Native American gravesites. Institutions have also publicly acknowledged the harm inflicted on tribal communities by continuing to keep ancestral remains and cultural items, including after the 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act called for them to be returned to tribes.

The wave of respon...


Pfizer Just Bought a Cancer Treatment Company for $43 Billion. Create the Problem, Offer a Solution. Global Research

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The post Pfizer Just Bought a Cancer Treatment Company for $43 Billion. Create the Problem, Offer a Solution. appeared first on Global Research.


5 DreamWorks Movies To Watch Instead of Disneys Sexual Propaganda The Federalist

Most Disney movies are saturated with political and sexual propaganda. Watch these more wholesome DreamWorks movies instead.


Alumna: Stanford Law Hasnt Fixed Its Damaged Free Speech Reputation Yet The Federalist

graduated mill about at Stanford Law SchoolAstoundingly, Stanford Law administrators made no mention of whether students or a professor who violated school free speech policies would be disciplined or reprimanded.


With Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, Democrats Openly Celebrate Executioners The Federalist

Gov. PritzkerThe unabashed cheerleaders for abortion now include the leaders of the Democrat Party, as well as its activist base.


No, Age-Appropriate Library Restrictions Are Not Book Bans The Federalist

kids section of a library where media claim book bans are taking effectA public, taxpayer-funded entity refusing to purchase and disseminate a book does not constitute a ban, contrary to media reports.


What Would Americas Five General-Presidents Say About The Ukraine War? The Federalist

George Washington paintingThe Ukraine war is dragging on with no strategy to end it in sight it's exactly the kind of conflict American leaders who have fought and won wars would disapprove of.


Australian Beaches Cleaned Significantly Through Waste Control Strategies True Activist


People oftentimes visit Australia not just to get a taste of the city, but to enjoy the beaches as well. In fact, thousands of visitors flock to the waters and watch as surfers ride the waves while others simply sunbathe.

However, with tourism also comes waste. People dont oftentimes think about the trash they leave behind. Theyre simply there to enjoy, without a care in the world. As a result, some parts of the beaches have been littered with so much plastic.

A recent scientific survey was conducted and when this was completed, researchers found that plastic on Australian beaches has fallen by 29 percent since they did the previous survey in 2013. They were impressed at what they found.

The authors of the study give credit to the well-executed and locally focused waste control strategies. They say that this is what Australians can achieve if they just put their heads together, and this may be something that the rest of the world could follow.

The efforts had been organized by the Australian national science agency....


Central Banking Continues To Fail Activist Post

By Mac Slavo The Federal Reserve, or the United States central bank, continues to show why totalitarian control over anything, especially a money supply, is...

Central Banking Continues To Fail


New Study: Cancer Rates Have Increased in Parts of Brain Most Exposed to Cell Phone Radiation Activist Post

By B.N. Frank Decades of research has already determined that exposure to radiofrequency (RF) aka wireless radiation from numerous sources, including cell phones, is biologically...

New Study: Cancer Rates Have Increased in Parts of Brain Most Exposed to Cell Phone Radiation


Russia Downs US Drone Running Target Acquistion for HIMARS VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

American drones have been directly involved in combat operations using international waterswhich is NOT a legal protection for attacks on Russian territory.not hardly.



Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATOs Deep Underground Command Bunker in Kiev VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy, German Galushchenko, separately admitted that the missile attack damaged at least three thermal power plants.


Researchers say IPCC models under-estimate Arctic warming Freethought Blogs

Last month, I wrote about the likelihood that were under-estimating the amplifying feedbacks that can cause global warming to push itself along, even without further help from us. Todays bit of news adds to that worry, though its focused on the Arctic. If you saw the video I posted about diving in an Antarctic lake, youll have some notion of the conditions involved in polar expeditions. Antarctica may be a harsher place than the Arctic in some ways, but in both cases, the brutal conditions make research extremely difficult, and often dangerous. This means that were pretty much always short on data from those regions, despite their importance in understanding the single biggest threat facing humanity.

In case its not clear to anyone, I think that climate research in general is underfunded, and that includes polar research. Its so bad that at least one research team turned to crowdfunding (a campaign to which I contributed) to finance research in Greenland. This dearth of data seems to have lead to an unsurprising result the climate models that the IPCC has been relying on seem to be falling behind the actual rate of change:

Two recent scientific studies involving researchers from the University of Gothenburg compared the results of the climate models with actual observations. They concluded that the warming of the Arctic Ocean will proceed at a much faster rate than projected by the climate models.

Models underestimate the consequences

These climate models underestimate the consequences of climate change. In reality, the relatively warm waters in the Arctic regions are even warmer, and closer to the sea ice. Consequently, we believe that the Arctic sea ice will melt away faster than projected, explains Cline Heuz, climatologist at the University of Gothenburg and lead author of one of the studies.

Warm water flows into the Arctic Ocean via Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard. However, the volume of water in these ocean currents and its temperature in the climate models are too low, which is one of the reasons why the climate models projections will not be accurate. Even the stratification of the Arctic Ocean is incorrect. The researchers argue that since roughly half of the models project an increase and the other half a decrease in stratification, the consequences of global warming cannot be estimated accurately.

These days, I often feel a bit fatalistic about our ability to accurately estimate whats coming. Weve a solid understanding of whats coming for longer than IR...


Democrats Deserve Plenty Of Blame For The Bank Crisis The Federalist

The War on WealthJoe Biden's partisanship helped make the Silicon Valley Bank failure possible.


Dont Blame Depositors For Bank Failure, Blame Biden And SVB Management The Federalist

Joe Biden speakingIts important to understand that SVBs failure didnt arise from risky startups doing risky startup things.


The Upcoming Northwest "Heatwave" Cliff Mass Weather Blog


On Friday afternoon at 4 PM, where would be the better place to put on your sunglasses and go outside for a warm St. Patrick's Day stroll?

Seattle or Los Angeles?

The surprising answer:  SEATTLE!

To illustrate the stunning situation, here is the latest European Center surface air temperature forecast at that time.    59F in Seattle and even higher over Chehalis and Portland.

In contrast, about 55-56F in LA on Friday afternoon.



BREAKING: National Security Expert/Retired Army General Tata on Russian Jet Collision with U.S. Drone VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Brigadier General Anthony J. Tata (U.S. Army, Retired) has issued a preliminary statement on this breaking story.


Justifying a CBDC Transition The Last American Vagabond

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/14/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

The post Justifying a CBDC Transition appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Jan 6 rioter who crushed cops in Capitol tunnel is slapped with lengthy prison sentence DeadState

A Florida man who partook in the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced this Tuesday to 60 months in prison, according to a press release from the Department of Justice. Tristan Chandler Stevens, 27, of Pensacola, Florida, was charged with four counts of assaulting or aiding and abetting in assaulting law enforcement []


DeSantis Yanks Hyatt Regency Miamis Liquor License For Hosting Holiday Drag Show With Kids Present The Federalist

drag queensFlorida is revoking the Hyatt Regency Miami's liquor license for hosting a drag queen-themed Christmas show in the presence of minors.


FBI Bookstore Spying in Chicago Eyes Abortion Rights, Cop City, Anti-Development Activists UNICORN RIOT

Chicago, IL The owner-workers of Pilsen Community Books acknowledge that their store is very cute. A vintage typewriter holds a signboard featuring a quote thats both intellectually stimulating and heart-warming. A repurposed mid-century card catalog cabinet holds a collection of vintage mass market paperbacks. Tarot decks with charming wood-cut illustrations and a caterpillar tote bag featuring an anti-police slogan greet the socially conscious shoppers.

But dont be deceived. At least according to the FBI, theres more to this bookstore than good vibes and book release events with the latest left-wing author. Beneath the cute exterior, feds insist, a group of violent extremists are planning and networking.

Thats news to us! said Mandy Medley, one of the owner-workers of the store, when told that the FBI believes her store to be a hotbed for terror plots and pro-abortion extremists.

Nearly 30 pages of FBI documents obtained by Unicorn Riot reveal a pattern of monitoring of Pilsen Community Books, a worker-owned and collectively managed bookstore in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.

In language reminiscent of the Red Scare, cubicle-lurking FBI intelligence analysts wrote in their reports that the store is used by anarchist violent extremists, or AVEs, environmental violent extremists, or EVEs and pro-abortion extremists. (While the reports talk about a source, importantly, there is no evidence included of physical surveillance.)

The title sheet from recently released FBI documents investigating bookselling activities reads Anarchist Extremist Matters [redacted] Assessment; Chicago, Illinois; AOT-DT Anarchist Extremism.

Medley and the other worker-owners of the store dont hide that the space is sometimes used as a gathering point for leftist politics. Were open to the public, open to the community, said Medley. Everything is very much ou...


Silicon Valley Bank Pledged Nearly $74 Million To Black Lives Matter Causes The Federalist

SVBSilicon Valley Bank might have been able to make good on $74 million promised to customers had it not pledged the money to leftist causes.


Michael Moore on medical bankruptcies Freethought Blogs

Before the mid-term elections last November, Michael Moore went against the conventional wisdom that there would be a Red Wave and said that democrats would do very well and he was proven right. He produced a daily series of what he called Truth Tsunamis and this was one of them.


Illegal Residents Can Now Vote In DC, Thanks To Chuck Schumer The Federalist

Chuck Schumer at press conferenceThanks to Senate Majority Leader Schumer's refusal to bring a D.C. bill to the Senate, noncitizens can now vote in local elections.


Heres an Easy Buck Freethought Blogs

Anyone who wants this is welcome to it.

Get onto with an E-book titled Letters to Trump, 2

The book would contain nothing more than the text of various subpoenas, legal filings, letters from courts dismissing his lawsuits, letters from courts sanctioning his lawyers, etc. Thats all public record stuff and theres no copyright on it.

Maybe put a disclaimer on the cover (for entertainment purposes only, not intended to be factual) and then have ChatGPT write a few cease and desist letters from Oprah Winfrey, other famous peoples lawyers saying you are not authorized to use our clients letter to you and perhaps a letter from Kim Jong Un, or rather the North Korean Embassy. Or perhaps a letter from MBS mentioning sanctions and bone saws.

I asked ChatGPT for a RNK letter and got this:

Dear Mr. Trumps Lawyers,

We, the representatives of the North Korean Embassy, write to you to express our concern regarding the recent reports of the publication of correspondence between our esteemed leader, Kim Jong Un, and your client, former President Donald Trump.

As you are well aware, the relationship between our two nations has been complex and delicate, with a history of tensions and mistrust. The private correspondence between our leaders is a critical component of the diplomatic channels that we have established to foster a more constructive dialogue between our countries.

We understand that such correspondence may be of great interest to the public, particularly given the high-profile nature of the individuals involved. However, we respectfully demand that you do not publish any earlier correspondence between our leaders. Doing so would not only violate the confidentiality and trust that we have built, but it could also potentially undermine the progress that we have made in our diplomatic relations.

We also wish to remind you that the publication of such correspondence would be a violation of international law and could have severe consequences. We urge you to consider the gravity of this matter and act with the utmost responsibility and respect for our diplomatic relations.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Name] Representative of the North Korean Embassy



US Military Says MQ-9 Reaper Drone Collided With Russian Jet Over Black Sea Activist Post

By Dave DeCamp Russian officials have yet to respond to the US claims about the incident. The US and its allies conduct frequent surveillance flights...

US Military Says MQ-9 Reaper Drone Collided With Russian Jet Over Black Sea


Its Time To Say Goodbye To The Naked Dress The Federalist

Daisy Edgar-Jones on the red carpetIn a society that hides nothing, exposing everything isn't interesting.


VT RADIO: US Empire Meltdowns as Massive Bank Collapses on Zio-Con War Debt with VTs Mark Dankof VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

VT's Dankof goes off on SVB Bank Collapse as USA melts under the weight of Zio-Con DeathBlow of Debt


Political Insanity: The Real Face of the GOPs Non-interventionism: Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria Should be Redeployed to Fight China Global Research

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name (desktop version)

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The post Political Insanity: The Real Face of the GOPs Non-interventionism: Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria Should be Redeployed to Fight China appeared first on Global Research.


Montreal: Banner Drop for Weelaunee Forest Defenders It's Going Down

Action report on banner drop in Montreal in solidarity with the struggle to stop Cop City in so-called Atlanta, GA. Originally posted to Montreal Counter-Info. 

Militarization and expansion of police power is a global threat. The fight back against the Cop City development project in Atlanta mirrors other local struggles everywhere. This solid and long standing frontline struggle represents how the destruction of natural habitats is interconnected with state violence and repression.

At the edge of Weelaunee forest, every cop pushed back with fireworks and every piece of construction equipment set ablaze is welcomed with cheer from companions all over turtle island and beyond.

We made and dropped this banner in Montral in solidarity with all the arrestees in Atlanta, even the innocent ones. We will never forget Tortuguita.


Finally, A True Justification for Outlawing Drag Freethought Blogs

Well, I have to admit it. I dont like it, but facts are facts and I like to think that I am strong enough to admit that Im wrong when confronted with unwelcome information.

The Santa Rosa Drag Coalition, made up of dozens of performance spaces with hundreds of performers and raking in tens of millions of dollars per year, has had to declare bankruptcy because of hundreds of cases of sexual abuse, many of which (though not all) targeted children, over several decades. The Drag Coalitions deliberate concealment of risks and assistance to predators has made them liable for damages far exceeding their assets.

Its horrifying to me that this real risk had to come to light this way, and Im truly embarrassed at ever having portrayed drag as a harmless activity that does not groom children for sexual abuse and might even have some ancillary benefits to the society of Santa Rosa and the larger United States but

Im sorry? Whats that youre saying?

Its the Santa Rosa Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church and all the activities that exposed children to risk were religious activities and/or so-called enrichment activities hosted by the church and overseen by church employees?

It didnt have anything to do with drag at all, just Christians doing Christian sexual abuse to children and others?

Oh, very sorry then. Didnt mean to pass along bad information. Im sure that well be outlawing the exposure of children to Roman Catholicism before long as the US and its subsidiary governments are famously very evidence-based in their decision making.

Continue dragging it up as you were, kings, queens, and rogues. Im sure that now that this is cleared up no Republicans will be coming after you.




Why East Antarctica Is a Sleeping Giant of Sea Level Rise WhoWhatWhy

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to


Why East Antarctica Is a Sleeping Giant of Sea Level Rise (Maria)

The author writes, Ian Lieser had just started going through the dozens of satellite images he looks at every day when he realized something was missing. As a glaciologist at the University of Tasmanias Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, he knew the shape of every ice shelf sticking out from the coast of East Antarctica. And on [March 17,  2022], there was a gap where most of the Conger glaciers ice shelf had broken off into an iceberg the size of Vienna and drifted away. Lieser was stunned. He had been keeping an eye on Conger since the last few pieces of the neighboring Glenzer ice shelf had broken up 10 days before, but he had not expected to see it disintegrate so quickly.


Uvalde District Attorney Fights Release of Public Records Against Wishes of Most Families (Reader Steve)

From The Texas Tribune and ProPublica: Joining the Texas Department of Public Safetys fight against the release of records, the district attorney claims the support of every family who lost a child in the 2022 mass shooting. Attorneys representing many of the families refute that claim.


What the Misinformation Scare Reveals About Faith in Democracy (Reader Jim)

The author writes, Put partisanship to one side for the moment. Something else helps distinguish misinformation hawks from misinformation doves, according to a recent paper published in New Media & Society...


Supplemental Virtual Mirage

  In Honor of Tomorrow In 75/74 BC a merchant vessel was taken by Cilician pirates while sailing past the island of Phamacusa, located off the coast of Asia Minor (Turkey). As the captain of the pirates boarded the ship, he immediately noticed amid the frightened passengers a young aristocrat, one clothed in the latest []

The post Supplemental appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? Global Research

Its Agenda ID2020 on steroids. Its the worldwide invasion of the QR code QR coding of everything, all of your most intimate data, health, personal behaviors, habits track records of where we have been and even where we may be planning to go. Nothing will escape the QR code. Nobody talks about it.

The post Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? appeared first on Global Research.


Why NewsGuard Is Just As Bad As The Pro-Censorship Global Disinformation Index The Federalist

dirty newspapers on the grassAt its core, NewsGuard is no different than the Global Disinformation Index except it turns a profit for its efforts.


Biden Administration Hurries To Protect The Ruling Class But Habitually Abandons Hardworking Americans The Federalist

East Palestine CleanupUnder the Biden administration, its regular Americans, not the woke ruling class, who get the short end of the stick.


Ron DeSantis Calls For De-escalation In Ukraine: Peace Should Be The Objective The Federalist

Gov. DeSantis voices support for Constitutional Carry in FloridaFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis called on the U.S. to find a peaceful resolution to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Tomgram: Michael Klare, Is War with China Inevitable? OpEd News

Is China really on the verge of invading the island of Taiwan, as so many top American officials seem to believe? If the answer is "yes" and the U.S. intervenes on Taiwan's side "" as President Biden has sworn it would "" we could find ourselves in a major-power conflict, possibly even a nuclear one, in the not-too-distant future[...]

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